Landmark Study Demonstrates Clinical Validation of Aiberry Powered Mental Health Assessments. Read the release HERE.

Get more from
mental health assessments.

Assess multiple mental health conditions and get reliable, objective risk scores and insights.

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Aiberry makes it easy for





By allowing patients to actively participate in the conversation, providers can screen for mental health disorders while keeping the primary focus on the member’s direct needs and concerns.

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Aiberry makes it easy for

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Hello AI-powered assessments, farewell outdated forms.


Assessments made easy & comfortable with AI


Immediate generation of risk scores


Symptoms analysis of mood, concentration & energy


Central hub with all patient information in one place


Access to all conversation transcripts


Effortlessly monitor progress and changes

How mental health screening works

Our platform analyzes text, audio and video to screen for a range of mental health conditions. Findings are delivered via a user-friendly online dashboard for analysis, where ongoing screening results and trends can be measured over time.

Aiberry helps healthcare providers conduct quick and objective mental health screenings during in-clinic visits by eliminating the need for paper-based forms and delivering real-time assessments of a patient’s mental state.

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Aiberry enhances the telehealth experience between patients and providers through its secure and feature-rich virtual solution that provides real-time mental health assessments with a quick guided conversation to analyze a patient’s mental state.

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Aiberry empowers patients to conduct mental health self-screenings in the comfort of their own home with a simple guided conversation with Botberry, the AI-powered chat feature of the solution.

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The future of mental health
assessments ...

Delivers a more comprehensive
patient assessment at in-take

Eliminates digital/paper forms,
simplifying the process

Provides reliable results for
diagnosis and treatment

Empowers patients to express
their mental health state

Tracks progress over time for
better insights

Includes a telehealth platform
for virtual patient meetings

“Aiberry creates an engaging experience by initiating a conversation, which is more dynamic and complete than standard forms allow.”

Using Aiberry, our patients are more apt to be honest with regards to where they are and we’re seeing a difference in the outcomes from treatment as a result.

Dr. Tammy Malloy
Chief Operating Officer, Futures Recovery Health

Dr. Tammy Malloy
Chief Operating Officer,
Futures Recovery Health

Aiberry helped improve depression diagnosis from 24% to 46%.

Aiberry helped improve depression diagnosis from 24% to 46%.

Read the Futures Recovery Healthcare case study.

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